2007年12月8日 星期六
. IBM WebSphere MQ v6.0
. Chapter 2.1 - IBM WebSphere Queue Manager(QM)指令
※ 一般小寫是 Control Command /// 一般大寫是 MQSC (runmqsc)
======Create Queue Manager (創建新的QM)======
# crtmqm -q QMgrName
例如:# crtmqm -q QMC00A
-q : specifies the default Queue Manager (-q 表示建的是 default QM)
-lc : Circular logging is to be used. This is the default logging method.
-ll : Linear logging is to be used. Linear logging is needed for recovery from media failures.
-lf LogFileSize : The size of each of the log files expressed as a multiple of 4 KB.
(因為乘以4KB,所以如果是 32MB,則設定 -lf 8192 )
-ld LogPath : The directory to be used to hold the log files.
-u DeadLetterQueue.
======啟動 Queue Manamer======
# strmqm QMgrName
例如:# strmqm QMC00A
======結束End Queue Manager======
# endmqm -c QMgrName (等 connected)
(Controlled (or quiesced), Allows connected applications to end, but no new ones.)
# endmqm -i QMgrName (等 MQI calls)
(Completes all current MQI calls, but no new ones.)
# endmqm -w QMgrName (CTRL+D)
(Controlled(wait), End programs in the same manner as the CTRL+D option.)
# endmqm -p QMgrName (暴力停,但QM可能掛掉!)
(Preemptive mode.)
======Delete Queue Manager (刪除QM)======
# dltmqm QMgrName
======執行 MQ Script Command======
# runmqsc QMgrName
例如:# runmqsc QMC00A
-e : Don't copy the source text to the output report. (silence mode)
-v : Perform a syntax check only. (不會真正執行,只Verify)
# runmqsc QMgrName < amqscoma.tst
(將 amqscoma.tst 匯入執行,V6.0才有效)
(對 default Queue Manager 執行 )