
2007年12月15日 星期六

. IBM WebSphere MQ v6.0
. Chapter 5.2 IBM MQ Administration in a Mixed Environment.

=== Three fields in the Message Descriptor ===
1. Encoding :
 - Representation of the numeric data in the message.
 - iSeries, Windows, and so forth
2. CodedCharSetId :
 - Representation of the character data in the message.
3. Format :
 - Indicates the nature of the data in the message.
 - Values MQ ... are reserved for WebSphereMQ

=== Requesting Application Data conversion ===
1. Request data conversion on the MQGET call :
 - Encoding and CodedCharSetId
  a. On input, requested representation of the message.
  b. On output, what the application actually receives.
 - Conversion performed, if necessary, on the basis of what is contained in the Format field.
 - A warning, and the message returned in its original form, if the conversion cannot be done.
2. Otherwise, request data conversion at the sending end of a message channel :
 - Unconverted messages are put on the Dead Letter Queue at the sending end.

=== What Application Data Conversion Can Be done ? ===
1. Some formats are built-in, and the data conversion is performed
  by a built-in conversion routine :
 - A message consisting entirely of characters.
 - A message structure definedd by WebSphereMQ.
2. A user written data conversion exit is required when :
 - The format of a message is defined by the application, not by WebSphereMQ.
 - A message with a built-in format fails to convert.
3. There is a WebSphereMQ utility to help write a data conversion exit.
 # crtmqcvx SourceFile TargetFile

Exit 掛勾 : —↓_↑—↓_↑—↓_↑—
 - Security Exit
 - Conversion Exit
 - Compress Exit
 - Message Exit

=== What Applications Should Do ===
1. Put messages with the following values in the Encoding and CodedCharSetId fields :
 - MQENC_NATIVE (for native encoding)
 - MQCCSI_Q_MGR (for the same CCSID as the Queue Manager)
2. Put all messages with a format name :
 - MQFMT_STRING (for a message consisting entirely of characters)
3. Use the MQGMO_CONVERT option on the MQGET call :
 - Check what is delivered by the call.
4. If necessary, use CONVERT(YES) at the sending end of a message channel.

=== Command Server === (MQ V6已經自動與QM啟動)
1. Command Queue :
 - Messages contain Programmable Command Format (PCF) commands.
2. Command server process the messages in the Queue :
 # strmqcsv QMgrName 
 # endmqcsv QMgrName (Ends the command server)
 # dspmqcsv QMgrName (Displays the status of the command server)
3. Enables network administration applications :
 - "Single point of control"

=== Support for PCF Commands ===
1. All Queue Managers have a command server which accepts PCF commands,
 except :
 - WebSphereMQ for z/OS Version 5
2. Administration utilities which issue PCF commands :
 - SupportPacs for WebSphereMQ for UNIX, Linux and Windows.
 - Vendor products.
 - # runmqsc -w  (indirect mode)
3. Application using the WebSphereMQ Administration Interface.

=== Program Example ===
1. Assume a utility to purge any Queues that have existed beyond their retention interval (賞味期...哈).

[ Application ]              [ Command Server ]
  MQPUT →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ MQGET
          MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q    Inquire attributes
          - generic quene name     of selected queues
  MQGET ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←← MQPUT
Determine which    - Qname         Response for each
queues have     - RetentionInterval      matching queue
expired, and for     - CreationDate
each one ...      - CreationTime
  MQPUT →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ MQGET
          MQCMD_DELETE_Q    Delete named queue
          - QueueName

=== Indirect Mode ===
1. Each WebSphereMQ command is sent within an Escape PCF command to the command Queue
 of the named Queue Manager :
 - Connects to the default Queue Manager.
 - Escape PCF command processed at the target Qeueu Manager.
2. Waits for the replies :
 - Time limit for the wait.
 - Writes a report based on the replies received.

 # runmqsc -w 5 QMgrName  (WaitTime in seconds specifies the indirect mode)

3. Can also send a WebSphereMQ command to the system-command input Queue
 of a z/OS Queue Manager.
 - -x parameter

=== Instrumentation Events === 提供給Monitor程式用
1. Have a Queue Manager report a problem condition immediately :
 - Number of messages on a Queue is increasing.
 - Get requests are inhibited for a Queue.
 - Message channel has stopped.
2. Enabled events are reort as event messages on event Queues :

=== Responding to an Instrumentation Event ===
1. Queue Manager events :
 - Enable a Queue for put or get requests if it is not intentionally disabled.
 - Corrent the authorizations for a Queue, or stop unauthorized users
  trying to put messages on the Queue.
2. Performance events :
 - Start a process to clear the backlog of messages.
 - Syspend a process that is putting too many messages on a Queue.
3. Channel events :
 - Restart a CHANNEL.
 - Process the Dead Letter Queue.
4. Logger events :
 - Archive unneeded log files.

=== Dead Letter Queue ===
1. When a problem relating to a message is detected asynchronously,
  an exception report is generated if one has been requested
  and the report is sent to the specified reply-to Queue.
2. The Feedback field in the message descriptor of the report message
  indecates the reason for the report.
3. The original message is put on the Dead Letter Queue unless
  MQRO_DISCARD_MSG is requested as a report option.
4. If a message cannot be delivered, it is put on the Dead Letter Queue
  at the receiving end of a message CHANNEL, if one is defined.
5. Message-retry at the receiving end of a CHANNEL may be useful
  if the problem is only temporary.
6. If CONVERT(YES) is specified in the CHANNEL definition at the sending end
  of a message CHANNEL and a message cannot be converted,
  the message is put on the Dead Letter Queue at the sending end.
7. If a message cannot be put on the Dead Letter Queue,
  the CHANNEL is stopped and the message remains on the Transission Queue.
  A fast non-persistent message, however, is just discarded in these circumstances
  and the CHANNEL ramains open.

=== Dead Letter Queue Handler ===
1. Rules table contains a set of rules.
 - Each rule consists of pattern matching keywords and an action.
 - For each message on the Dead Letter Queue, each rule whose pattern
  matches the message is attempted in turn.
 - A message can be retried, forwarded, discarded or ingored.
 - A message can be forwarded with, or without the dead letter header.
2. Can have multiple instances, each with a different rules table.
3. Source of a sample Dead Letter Queue handler is supplied as well.

 # runmqdlq < Rules_Table


=== Using Dead Letter Queues ===
1. Create a Dead Letter Queue on all Queue Managers :
 - Use message-retry on message CHANNELs for transient conditions.
 - Consider "return to sender".
2. Use a Dead Letter Queue handler :
 - Trigger when a message arrives on the Dead Letter Queue.
 - Possibly attempt further retries.
 - If unsuccessful, forward to an application Dead Letter Queue associated with :
  a. The distination Queue.
  b. The application specified by the PutApplName field in the message descriptor.
3. Don't allow an application Dead Letter Queue to become full.

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