目前分類:◆非同步電路設計 (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
2007年8月20日 星期一

As we know, CPU includes 2 part.
One is CU (Control Unit), and the other is ALU (Arithmetics Logic Unit)
Let us design a 8-bit ALU by Belsa.

The ALU is as following :

-- ALU8.balsa : 8-bit ALU
-- 2007.07.29 by 9679505 Amzshar Liu ( AaA )
-- 4 input ( aluop, src1, src2, PSW )
-- 2 output ( result, OPSW )
-- aluop is 3 bits ALU Operation Code
-- aluop = 0b000 -> AND
-- aluop = 0b001 -> OR
-- aluop = 0b010 -> XOR
-- aluop = 0b011 -> RLC (Rotate Left 1 bit with Carry)
-- aluop = 0b100 -> RRC (Rotate Right 1 bit with Carry)
-- aluop = 0b101 -> ADDC (src1 + src2 + PSW.CY)
-- aluop = 0b110 -> SUBC (src1 - src2 - PSW.CY)
-- aluop = 0b111 -> NONE
-- src1, src2 is 8 bits
-- result is 8 bits ALU Result
-- PSW, OPSW is 4 bits (P, OV, AC, CY)
-- P is 1 bit Parity Flag
-- OV is 1 bit Overflow Flag (1:overflow)
-- AC is 1 bit Auxilary Carry Flag
-- CY is 1 bit Carry Flag
-- All Op must update "PSW.P" according to "result"
-- ADDC : Update PSW.CY, PSW.AC, OV
-- SUBC : Update PSW.CY, PSW.AC, PV

import [balsa.types.basic]

type OPType is 3 bits -- aluop OPType
type DataType is 8 bits -- src1, src2, result

type PswStatus is record -- PSW, OPSW
P, OV, AC, CY : bit

type InputType is record -- in_sigs
aluop : OPType;
src1 : DataType;
src2 : DataType;
PSW : PswStatus

type OutputType is record -- out_sigs
result : DataType;
OPSW : PswStatus

procedure ALU8(input in_sigs : InputType ; output out_sigs : OutputType) is
variable intmp : InputType
variable outtmp : OutputType
variable result : DataType -- outtmp.result
variable opsw : PswStatus -- outtmp.OPSW
-- variable P, OV, AC, CY : bit
variable src1tmp, src2tmp : DataType -- For ADDC, SUBC
variable CYtmp, Flag : bit -- For ADDC, SUBC
variable ADDSUB9 : 9 bits -- For ADDC, SUBC

---- Use shared add_sub to save cost
shared add_sub is
ADDSUB9 := ( src1tmp + src2tmp + CYtmp as 9 bits ) ;

result := ( #ADDSUB9[0..7] as DataType ) ;

---- Overflow Detection Logic : Overflow = CarryIn[N-1] XOR CarryOut[N-1]
opsw.OV := #ADDSUB9[8] xor #src1tmp[7] xor #src2tmp[7] xor #ADDSUB9[7] ;

---- Flag=0 => ADDC => AC = 1, when there is a carry-out from bit 3
if( Flag = 0 ) then
opsw.AC :=( ( (not #src1tmp[4]) and (not #src2tmp[4]) and #result[4] ) or
( (not #src1tmp[4]) and #src2tmp[4] and (not #result[4]) ) or
( #src1tmp[4] and (not #src2tmp[4]) and (not #result[4]) ) or
( #src1tmp[4] and #src2tmp[4] and #result[4] ) ) ;

---- Flag=0 => ADDC => CY = 1 when there is a carry-out from bit 7
opsw.CY := #ADDSUB9[8]


---- Flag=1 => SUBC => AC = 1, if a borrow is needed for bit3
---- Because src2tmp = 1's complement of intmp.src2
opsw.AC :=( ( (not #src1tmp[4]) and (not #src2tmp[4]) and (not #result[4]) ) or
( (not #src1tmp[4]) and #src2tmp[4] and #result[4] ) or
( #src1tmp[4] and (not #src2tmp[4]) and #result[4] ) or
( #src1tmp[4] and #src2tmp[4] and (not #result[4]) ) ) ;

---- Flag=1 => SUBC => CY = 1 if a borrow is needed for bit7
opsw.CY := not #ADDSUB9[8]

end -- end if
end -- end begin

---- Update for outtmp.OPSW.P
shared ParityCheck is
opsw.P := #result[0] xor #result[1] xor #result[2] xor #result[3] xor
#result[4] xor #result[5] xor #result[6] xor #result[7]
end -- end begin

---- Procedure BODY
in_sigs -> intmp ;
-- P := intmp.PSW.P
-- OV := intmp.PSW.OV
-- AC := intmp.PSW.AC
-- CY := intmp.PSW.CY ;
opsw := intmp.PSW ;

print "---> PSW (P, OV, AC, CY) => ", intmp.PSW.P , intmp.PSW.OV,
intmp.PSW.AC, intmp.PSW.CY ;

case intmp.aluop of
0b000 then ---- AND
result := intmp.src1 and intmp.src2 ;
print "aluop=000 : ", #intmp.src1, " AND ", #intmp.src2, " => ", #result

0b001 then ---- OR
result := intmp.src1 or intmp.src2 ;
print "aluop=001 : ", #intmp.src1, " OR ", #intmp.src2, " => ", #result

0b010 then ---- XOR
result := intmp.src1 xor intmp.src2 ;
print "aluop=010 : ", #intmp.src1, " XOR ", #intmp.src2, " => ", #result

0b011 then ---- RLC : (Rotate Left 1 bit with Cary)
result := ( #intmp.PSW.CY @ #intmp.src1[0..6] as DataType ) ;
opsw.CY := #intmp.src1[7] ;
print "aluop=011 : ", #intmp.src1, " RLC => ", #result

0b100 then ---- RRC : (Rotate right 1 bit with Cary)
result := ( #intmp.src1[1..7] @ #intmp.PSW.CY as DataType) ;
opsw.CY := #intmp.src1[0] ;
print "aluop=100 : ", #intmp.src1, " RRC => ", #result

0b101 then ---- ADDC is " result := src1 + src2 + CY " and Updated PSW
---- => result := src1tmp + src2tmp + CYtmp
src1tmp := intmp.src1 ;
src2tmp := intmp.src2 ;
CYtmp := intmp.PSW.CY ;
Flag := 0 ;
add_sub() ;
print "aluop=101 : ", #intmp.src1, " ADDC ", #intmp.src2, " => ", #result

0b110 then ---- SUBC is " result := src1 - src2 - CY " and Updated PSW
---- => result := src1 + ( (not src2) + 1 ) - CY
---- => result := src1 + ( not src2) + ( 1 - CY )
---- => result := src1tmp + src2tmp + CYtmp
src1tmp := intmp.src1 ;
---- Here for src2 1's complement
src2tmp := ( not intmp.src2 + 1 as DataType ) ;
---- Here (+1 - CY) for src2 2's complement
CYtmp := ( not intmp.PSW.CY as bit ) ;
Flag := 1 ;
add_sub() ;
print "aluop=110 : ", #intmp.src1, " SUBC ", #intmp.src2, " => ", #result

0b111 then ---- NONE
print "alop=111 : NONE ! " ;
end; -- end case intmp.aluop


print "==> OPSW (P, OV, AC, CY) => ", opsw.P, opsw.OV, opsw.AC, opsw.CY ;

outtmp.result := result outtmp.OPSW := opsw ;
out_sigs <- outtmp ;

print ">>>=====================================================>>>"
end -- end loop
end -- end begin

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2007年8月11日 星期六

這是我們 非同步電路設計 Project / LAB1 ,用 Balsa 語言寫一個 Wagging Shift Register


-- SRA1.balsa : Single Stage Shift Register
-- 20070515 by 9679505 / Amzshar Liu ( AaA )
import [balsa.types.basic]

procedure sra1(input i : byte ; output o : byte) is
variable x : byte
i -> x ; -- Input Communication
o <- x -- Output Communication
end -- end loop


(-- SRC1.balsa : 1-place Shift Register (Improved)
i -> [x -> y] -> o

import [balsa.types.basic]

procedure src1(input i : byte ; output o : byte ) is
variable x, y :byte
channel cl : byte
o <- y
i -> x ;
y := x
end -- end loop
-- SRD1.balsa : demux i to o1, o2 alternately

--- 20070515 by 9679505 / Amzshar Liu ( AaA )
import [balsa.types.basic]

procedure srd1(input i : byte ; output o1 : byte ; output o2 : byte) is
variable x, y : byte
-- read channel i into register x while writing register y to channel o2
i -> x o2 <- y ;
-- read channel i into register y while writing register x to channel o1
i -> y o1 <- x
end -- end loop
-- SRE1.balsa : demux i1, i2 into o alternately
-- 20070515 by 9679505 / Amzshar Liu ( AaA )
import [balsa.types.basic]

procedure sre1(input i1 : byte ; input i2 : byte ; output o : byte) is
variable x, y : byte
i1 -> x o <- y ;
i2 -> y o <- x
end -- end loop
-- SRW8A.balsa: Multi-Stage Wagging Shift Register
-- 20070515 by 9679505 / Amzshar Liu ( AaA )
import [balsa.types.basic]
import [SRA1]
import [SRD1]
import [SRE1]

procedure srw8a(input i : byte ; output o : byte) is
constant n = 8
array 1..n/2 of channel c1, c2 : byte
srd1(i, c1[1], c2[1])
sre1(c1[n/2], c2[n/2], o)
for i in 1..(n/2)-1 then
sra1(c1[i], c1[i+1])
sra1(c2[i], c2[i+1])
end -- end for

-- SRW8C.balsa: Multi-Stage Wagging Shift Register
-- 20070515 by 9679505 / Amzshar Liu ( AaA )
import [balsa.types.basic]
import [SRC1]
import [SRD1]
import [SRE1]

procedure srw8c(input i : byte ; output o : byte) is
constant n = 8
array 1..n/2 of channel c1, c2 : byte
srd1(i, c1[1], c2[1])
sre1(c1[n/2], c2[n/2], o)
for i in 1..(n/2)-1 then
src1(c1[i], c1[i+1])
src1(c2[i], c2[i+1])
end -- end for


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2007年7月9日 星期一

(唉!要是以前大學那麼用功就好了~ >"< )

課號 課程名稱 學分 開課系所 開課教師
5017 視訊壓縮 3.00 電機專 蕭旭峰
5018 資料探勘 3.00 電機專 彭文志/黃俊龍
5019 計算機運算,組織與分類 3.00 電機專 鍾崇斌
5020 非同步電路設計 3.00 電機專 陳昌居

上週三(7/4) 去聽了彭教授的Data Mining(資料探勘),覺得這是一門非常有趣的課,但是覺得兩個月內要修完,可能無法學到爐火純青的境界,所以等正課的時候再來修好了。是門需要 Databse、Statistics and Algorithm 技巧的課程。
1. Introduction to data mining
2. Mining association rules
3. Data classification
4. Data warehouse and OLAP
5. Data clustering
6. Mining sequential patterns
7. mining
8. Stream data mining
9. Sensor data mining
10.Privacy data mining
... ... ... more ... ... ...

上週六(7/7)早上 9:00~16:30 則是去聽鍾教授的"計算機運算,組織與分類",聽說是第一次開這樣的課程。因為對姓鍾感到特別親切,而且以前也修過鍾教授的"嵌入式系統",所以週末還是頂著大太陽去聽課。


Summary :
1. Digital electronics—Semiconductor, devices, IC, and MOS electronics
2. Digitalization and digital systems
3. Combinational circuits—Fundamentals, simplification, design, and array logic
4. Sequential circuits—Fundamentals, analysis, simplification, and design
5. Computer abstractions and technology
6. Instructions: Language of the computer
7. Arithmetic for computers
8. Assessing and understanding performance
9. The processor: Datapath and control
10.Enhancing performance with pipelining
11.Computer categorization


上週四(7/5)則是聽了陳教授的 Asyncronous Circuit Design,是一種不用 Clock 的電路設計,這真
是太酷了,有以下優點:Low power consumption, High operating speed, Less emission of electro-magnetic noise, Robustness towards variations in voltage, temperature,
and fabrication process parameters, Better composability and modularity,
and No clock distribution and clock skew problems。

最後,幾經考慮,決定修這個, ㄏㄏ ... (因為每個都想修 ... Orz ...



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